March 2018

DIY Ergo Keyboard from 1984 IBM

This is my DIY keyboard using vintage IBM ‘pingmaster’ caps and Alps SKCC switches. The weird layout is my personal design for an orthoregular symmetrical layout that I really like.

See my previous posts for the background, but it lets me have a comfortable, symmetrical, ergo layout using normal keycap sizes in a 60% case. This keyboard had some unusual cap sizes so fit them as sanely as I could.

I have two of these NIB 1984 IBM pingmaster keyboards with interesting Chinese input keycaps, but never use due to lack of adapters. I decided to sacrifice one because I’m a monster.

It’s full of linear Alps SKCC Green with relegendable and double-shot caps.

I had a 1mm stainless steel plate cut by Lasergist in my ergo layout.

Adding the Alps SKCC Green switches

I’m using it here as a template to glue the walnut case

Looks good. I stained after with mahogany oil stain

Hand wired to a Teensy 2.0

Found a USB-C breakout that I wired to support USB 2 on the Teensy

Spaghetti Junction, but it works

Drilled out case for USB-C

All the beige was killing me, so I painted the insides of a couple of relegendable caps

Used shades of blue for old Big Blue


Tried a new approach for bottom, black acrylic with walnut veneer. Looks… okay

Full layout and love that plate shine

I also have a Model 001 IBM Mouse, here’s a family picture

“I see you have the machine that goes ‘pinggg!’“